Aerial view of ancient Nālandā University |
excavated remains of the ancient Nālandā University are a protected site under the Archaeological
Survey of India (ASI).
International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS),
the International Non-Government agency that offers advice to UNESCO on WHS has
pointed out several weaknesses in the submitted nomination dossier (by ASI) and
it even suggested deferring the nomination.
The report claims Nalanda
Mahavihara might have the potential to meet requirement for Outstanding Universal
Value; however this has not yet been demonstrated (WHC/16/40.COM/INF.8B1, page 91).
inscribed property by the ASI is limited to the Excavated Remains of the
ancient Nālandā University, which is a small fraction of the archaeological remains of the ancient Nālandā University. ICOMOS in its report has suggested India
(ASI) to take necessary actions pertaining to the integrity of the property,
including the identification of the area and extent
of Nālandā Mahāvihāra before its destruction and final abandonment,
which should inform the boundaries of the whole property (WHC/16/40.COM/INF.8B1,page 91).
had recommended that the state party ‘deepen its study of the site’ and
explicitly establish its importance and authenticity. It had also recommended
the nomination to be changed to ‘Archaeological Site of Nālandā Mahāvihāra’
instead of the ‘Excavated Remains of Nālandā Mahāvihāra.’
in spite of observations made by ICOMOS, last minute negotiations and lobbying
with the UNESCO Member countries, India could secure WHS for
the Nālandā University. All the 21 Member countries of UNESCO voted
in favour of Nālandā University in the 40th session of
UNESCO WHS Committee held on 15th July, 2016.
that WHS status has
been achieved, the status may be used as a catalyst for developing
sustainable livelihood and other heritage sites and as a gateway for channeling
visitors to other heritage sites and activities in the region.
of ancient Nālandā University are spread over a large area. Only a small
fraction (roughly 10%) of ancient Nālandā University has been excavated and
many villages are settled over the rest of the ancient Nālandā University. The
community has been living with this heritage for centuries. It is imperative to
sensitize the community towards the heritage and facilitate sustainable
livelihood initiatives. The challenge lies in creating an interpretation
integrating the community living in the villages that are settled over the
unexcavated remains.
is also a confluence of Buddhism, Jainism and Hinduism and there are many
ancient sites related with them in the vicinity of Nālandā
University. Interpretation, signage, access etc should not be just limited
to the inscribed property but should also include smaller places that are part
of the story of Nālandā.
Schematic map showing Excavated remains and Unexcavated remains of ancient Nālandā University |
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