A quick snapshot of the Veluvana topic covered so far...
1 Siddhartha’s first journey to Rajgriha
2 Siddhartha returns after becoming Buddha
3 Bimbisara understands Buddha’s Teachings
4 Offering of Veluvana to the Buddha and his Sangha
5 Sariputra meeting Asvajit
6 Visit to kapilvasthu- Rahula joined the Sangha
7 Rahul learns lessons of life
8 Vassavasa became a regular feature
9 Anathapindika
10 Kassapa - Exchange of Robes
11 The Monastic sites
12 Pipphali Guha
13 Tapodarama
14 Tapodarama transformed to Laxmi Narayan Temple
15 Medicinal value of Hot Springs
16 Samiddhi Story
17 Meeting of Kokanuda and Anand
18 Seeds of Vinay Pitaka
19 In vicinity of Veluvana
20 Sukhumala Sona at Sitavan
21 The location of Sitavana
22 Kalandakanivapa
23 Another Paribbajaka at Kalandakanivapa
24 Veluvana as per the Pali commentaries and eyewitness accounts
2 Siddhartha returns after becoming Buddha
3 Bimbisara understands Buddha’s Teachings
4 Offering of Veluvana to the Buddha and his Sangha
5 Sariputra meeting Asvajit
6 Visit to kapilvasthu- Rahula joined the Sangha
7 Rahul learns lessons of life
8 Vassavasa became a regular feature
9 Anathapindika
10 Kassapa - Exchange of Robes
11 The Monastic sites
12 Pipphali Guha
13 Tapodarama
14 Tapodarama transformed to Laxmi Narayan Temple
15 Medicinal value of Hot Springs
16 Samiddhi Story
17 Meeting of Kokanuda and Anand
18 Seeds of Vinay Pitaka
19 In vicinity of Veluvana
20 Sukhumala Sona at Sitavan
21 The location of Sitavana
22 Kalandakanivapa
23 Another Paribbajaka at Kalandakanivapa
24 Veluvana as per the Pali commentaries and eyewitness accounts
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